Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I am going to miss.....

A few things I will miss not being in Israel....

1. Waking up and going to sleep in Israel

2. Walking up and down 173 stairs plus all the other steps to get to them to get to class. Somehow I always felt that if I didn't work out, I got some cardio in!

3. Reading Hebrew all around me

4. Hearing Hebrew all around me

5. Seeing Hebrew all around me

6. Seeing the Israeli flag

7. Being in a Jewish country

8. Walking to the bus stop

9. I will miss having a sherut come before the bus comes, thus saving time and having more time to shop!

10. The Egged Bus will be missed too. I was once able to give up my seat to an older Jewish woman who was so appreciative. Where else but in Israel could I do that...and not have some kid give up his seat for me?!

11. I will miss looking out the windows and seeing how different the homes are built here in Haifa (picture taken from a moving bus).

12. I'll miss, believe it or not, having my purse/bags checked before entering the mall or grocery stores. Somehow knowing there is someone who sees everyone who comes in and out of the store makes me feel very secure. On the other hand, when the guard would look at me and let me pass without checking out everything, that made me feel like I fit right in. You can see the guard in the far left side; the rest of the entrance way is blocked off and you have to go through him to get in.

13. The closest mall to us, Mercaz Horaf . This is where I found the best hair salon -let me know if you are coming here and I'll give you Prosper's number. Also other fun shops and great food :)

14. I'll miss the SuperSol. Actually this sign says "My SuperSol". I swear, there must be a Jewish mother somewhere who is trying to make everyone feel good here! I take that back - there are tons of them here!

15. omg. The dairy products I will miss SOOOOOOOOOOO much! There are none elsewhere like the ones you will find here. I can only imagine what Israelis think the first time they eat our cottage cheese, yoghurt etc!

16. Did someone say hummos? Ummm...let's see if I can find a brand you will like! And these are just the commercial ones! Oh how much fun it has been buying different brands of hummos!

17. I will miss seeing all the different people come together to learn......

This is Gila. Everyday she shries to buy her newspapers. Some people buy them; others pretty much ignore her. One day I started talking to her and heard her story. I became Motek (sweetie) to her, just for listening.

There are many soldiers here studying so seeing them is not unusual. Besides, I had to have at least one picture in the blog of Israeli soldiers!

18. And I will really miss my classmates! We had a lot of fun learning, especially with our teacher, Ayellet. I had to laugh sometimes when she did the same things with us as I did with my students at Temple! Hmmm...wonder what that says! I choose to believe I had very mature students!! Pictured below is Juan from Germany, originally from Spain. When I asked him why he was here he told me he wasn't sure if I'd understand. He just loves the country, the people and the language and everything about Israel. I had a very hard time understanding..yeah, right! He would like to make Aliyah but isn't Jewish so is considering converting. He told me an intersting fact about studies done in Spain that say that one out of every three men in Spain are Jewish or have Jewish ancestry. Suzanne is from Germany and is studying Aramaic languages. Marie is from Germany and just graduated from medical school. She has known since she was 13 that she wanted to be Jewish and wants to make aliyah if she can communicate well enough in Hebrew. Channa is from England and is majoring in Jewish studies.

19. David has watched out for me, and says that one day Ben and Zack will maybe be able to do this for another mom out there. That's how it works. He's from CA, originally from CO. Shavonne is from North Carolina and is considering Rabbinical school but what she really wants is to do peace work, bringing Jews and Palestinians closer together. She's done some amazing work. David has made Aliya and Andra has also made Aliyah. Andra had an interview today in Tel Aviv with a newspaper. They wanted to do an article on her because she is going into the army. Kol HaKavod!

20. Casia is from Poland and she needed this course of Hebrew for her major. Ditmar (white shirt) is from Germany and he took the Ulpan because he has a short term job waiting for him in Tel Aviv. I'm not sure why Karl is taking the class; maybe I can update the blog if I find out. And of course Ayellet. I will truly miss her enthusiam, sense of humor (today she was calling the United States the United Steaks - maybe you had to be there but we got a good laugh out of that especially cause we thought she wasn't saying United States right and she was pullin our legs!)
Not pictured is Daniel, who was absent.
There are so many other things I'm going to miss here....I've been taken care of so lovingly by so many people - I will miss them dearly. I'll miss the sights, signs, smells, people, laughter, food, transportation, culture, Jewish pride, Israeli dancing, music (so many people, men and women love to sing!), strength, intelligence, and the wonderful feeling of being in a country that belongs to my people.
The best thing about leaving is knowing I'll be back. I now know why people here don't say shalom, but rather L'hitraot - See you soon. And that, is a promise I make to myself and you.
Can't wait to see you all when I come back.
This truly has been one incredible dream, and it isn't over yet!!


  1. Dear Debbie,

    You certainly fell in love with Israel and all the wonderful things and people there. I'm sure you will visit again one day. Your photos are really great, and I thank you for them and your interesting explanation of each. I'll miss your blogs when you return home.
    Lots of love,
    Aunt Ann

  2. I am so glad you have had such a wonderful experience! Even though there is so much that you will miss, we miss you here at home and are anxiously awaiting your return!



  3. Can't wait to see you and everyone back home! I can't believe in 3 days I'll be home :) Then you'll get to see ALL of the pictures, lol! Miss you, Marisa! xoxox

  4. Debbie, enjoy your last days in Israel but remember you soon shall return!! Miss you and cannot wait to see you and hear all and see all--your blogs are phenomenal I would leave them up forever--the pictures tell your inner emotions
    Safe trip home!!
    Love Cheryl

  5. Hi Debbie,

    Thought of you tonight for two reasons while at Temple Israel Shabbat services. Number 1. Israeli Scouts were featured. They danced and sang and raised two very large Israeli flags at the end of their performance. Seeing the flags filled me with emotion and pride, like you must feel when you see Israeli flags blowing in the wind in Israel. Number 2. Louis and I were delighted to have sat with your sister and Bob. Sharon looked so pretty as always. Looking forward to seeing you after you've rested from your travels. Love, Sara

  6. Thank you - I miss all this things too. Driszat szalon mipolin.

  7. I stumbled upon your blog while researching UH. I am studying Hebrew and Arabic in the summer of 2014. This was very cool to read! :)
