Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Feelings, feelings, feelings

I wrote this almost one week ago; my feelings are still the same.

June 23, 2010

The one thing I have become incredibly aware of is how present I feel. I notice and appreciate everything around me - my friends and family, the weather, the sounds, the conveniences, the EASE of my life. Maybe it's the routine. I know so many people and where I'm going. I am blessed to have many people in Israel that I love and I'm really looking forward to being with them. I'm sure I'll be able to find my way around but I'm taking a ton of Reese's pieces just in case!

It's nine days out and I think I'm done shopping! Most of my things are laid out. I must be forgetting something!!!

P.S. Another realization: I'm embarrassed to say that I was a little disappointed that I was going to miss the Half-Yearly sale at Nordstroms since it's held in July. But my brain is just working overtime here and I remembered that I can order online! After realizing that, I no longer have any fears about remembering Hebrew vocab, tenses or slang!


  1. Deb-
    I am so excited for you and jealous at the same time! I think what you are doing is brave and wonderful. Whether you learn what you want, speak enough Hebrew, meet your expectations... the bottom line is, you will have a great time. I can't imagine you NOT having a great time at anything you do.
    It was great to see you today. I wish we had more time together. We will make a point of it when you get back.
    Have a wonderful time. I look forward to following your journey on your blog

  2. Testing, testing, one two three testing
    Have a great trip!! Inhale it all

    Jeff M

  3. Just returned from Europe and got your news. What an exciting adventure! Can't wait for your next update!

  4. Enjoy yourself in Israel, and also shopping Nordstrom's half yearly online!!! U R 2 Funny!!
    Take care hope your flights were comfortable and you have begun your classes. What degree do you receive, if any? Love Cheryl xoxo

  5. Forgot Happy July 4th but it must be July 5th already in Israel :) LOL
